About us

Somerset Council’s dedicated road safety team, Somerset Road Safety

Agencies we work with This list of organisations we work with is constantly growing and we continue to engage with other groups who have an interest in road safety. In particular, Somerset Road Safety is looking to work with businesses large and small. Given the number of drivers who are involved in collisions while driving on business, it is vital that we help companies deal with managing occupational road risk.

Avon and Somerset Constabulary

Avon and Somerset Constabulary have a monthly thematic target approach to road policing across the area as well as an involvement in a variety of initiatives with communities, schools and road user groups. Enforcement of Road Traffic Regulations is one of many aspects that the police can bring to the coordinated approach to casualty reduction.

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Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue

Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Service has a significant involvement in responding to road collisions and so makes a valuable contribution to a co-ordinated approach to tackling casualty reduction. The Chief Fire Officers Association is developing a national road safety strategy which can be adapted to suit local needs

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Driver And Vehicle Standards Agency/ Driving Instructors Association/ Motorcycle Instructors

Educating new drivers/riders and continuing to improve driving standards is essential. Informing and encouraging drivers/riders to gain valuable experience at an early stage in their driving careers, will help avoid the high number of collisions involving inexperienced and young drivers/riders.

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National Highways

National Highways is responsible for motorways and trunk roads throughout Somerset and, as a member of the Partnership, is committed to improving the safety of our roads. The sharing of ideas and initiatives will provide an effective reduction in casualties

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Institute Of Advanced Motorists/ RoSPA Advanced drivers/ Advanced Motorcycle Groups

Advanced driving/riding groups have a significant part to play in encouraging drivers and riders to improve their driving/riding standards. Volunteers help encourage other drivers to adopt a systematic approach and defensive driving/riding techniques which improve overall driving skills. An advanced driver or rider is up to 75% less likely to be involved in a collision.

Somerset NHS

Road casualties have a major effect on the NHS. As well as reducing the need for hospital treatment, reducing the number of road collisions could help contribute to overall health improvement in the Somerset population.

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South Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Emergency services such as the Ambulance Service play a significant role in attending collisions, treating casualties at the scene and getting them to hospital. Their response and actions have improved the survival rate of casualties. Reducing road casualties will help reduce the demands placed on the delivery of other aspects of the service they provide for the people of Somerset

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This lifesaving service to the NHS is provided free of charge and is funded entirely by public donation and sponsorship. They are often referred to as blood bikes but do much more; transporting test samples, patient notes, X-rays, and other medical supplies. In 2007 they made approximately 2,000 deliveries, covering a distance of 85,000 miles.

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Severn Major Trauma Operational Delivery Network

A trauma system is a model of care designed to care for patients with multiple serious injuries that could result in death or serious disability, including head injuries, life-threatening wounds and multiple fractures. Major trauma centres are set up to provide this specialised care; they are hubs that work closely with a series of local trauma units. Major trauma centres operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They are staffed by consultant-led specialist teams with access to the best diagnostic and treatment facilities, including orthopaedics, neurosurgery and radiology teams.

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Somerset Road Safety works with a wide range of audiences covering all aspects of road safety. In 2023 alone we spoke to over 41,517 people through local events and our wide range of courses and training. To find out what some of those people thought of our work please read the testimonials below.